Heeeeeyy! Bitpart will be on a European tour with Better Off Dead from April 28th to May 12th, with no day off!!!! Come say hi if you live close to one of those cities:
28/04: Grenoble (FR)
29/04: Carmagnola (IT)
30/04: Forlí-Cesena (IT)
01/05: Verona (IT)
02/05: Zabreb (HR)
03/05: Čakovec (HR)
04/05: Wien (AT)
05/05: Věžnička (CZ)
06/05: Orlová (CZ)
07/05: Plzeň (CZ)
08/05: Praha (CZ)
09/05: Berlin (DE)
10/05: Leipzig (DE)
11/05: Metz (FR)
12/05: Paris (FR)